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American Academy

About Ms. Canino

Education:  Elementary Education, B.S., Child Studies, B.S., Vanderbilt University

Home Town:  Little Rock, TX
Hobbies:  Reading, baking, crafts, puzzles, playing board games
Family:  Husband, dog
Classroom wishes: Board games, Legos, stamp pads, Lakeshore Learning gift card, TeachersPayTeachers gift card, picture books, beginning chapter books
Allergies: I try to limit dairy
Coffee/tea: Passion Tea
Snack: Chocolate, baked treats, popcorn
Night out restaurant: Cheesecake Factory
Lunch restaurant: Panera, Chipotle, Canes
Place to shop: Target
Clothing store/style: Kohls
Movies (out or in): Theater
Bookstore: Barnes and Noble
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: Rose
Color: Purple and pink
Sports team(s): Broncos, Rockies, Avs, and Vandy Commodores
Silly fact about me: I collect music boxes