New Family News - Parents with at least one registered American Academy student will automatically be added to this mail list once new student registration paperwork has been turned in and approved. The school will send a few updates throughout the spring and early summer to new families as necessary.
Subscribe to American Academy NewsClassroom news - Parents will automatically be added to this mail list when they enroll at American Academy and will start receiving classroom emails when the new school year begins.
Parents may opt out of classroom emails, but will no longer receive ANY American Academy email for any reason. It is recommended that at least one parent/guardian receives and reads these important classroom news emails.
All-School News - Parents will automatically be added to this mail list around July before the new school year.
New parents enrolling after this list is created in July must OPT IN using the newsletter link below the News section on This mail list includes occasional summer updates, weekly all-school school year newsletters and updates, occasional school year campus updates, occasional updates from the Board of Directors.
Parents may opt out at any time. It is recommended that at least one parent/guardian receives and reads these important all school newsletter emails.Social media - Parents are invited to get connected with other American Academy families by community by joining us on social media (not required). Though we use our website and newsletters for hard news and events, we use American Academy social media to show off our wonderful students and staff and talk about the fun stuff.
- Got questions? Ask other American Academy parents on American Academy Community.
- Get an inside look at the day-to-day on the official American Academy's Facebook Page.
- Stay connected to the fun stuff at each campus by liking our campus PTO Facebook Pages:
- Follow us on Twitter to receive all updates from all of our school and PTO Facebook pages.