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American Academy

K-8 Bad Weather Release without Internet

Carpool is CANCELLED. All parents must drive to school and park to come inside for your children. OUTSIDE after-school activities will be moved inside (unless you are contacted otherwise); INSIDE after-school activities will continue, including KindiePrep ExtraCare. Walkers will be dismissed as usual unless you call the school to tell us otherwise. KindiePrep students must be picked up as usual.
May be used in the following circumstances (at the discretion of administration):
  • Severe cold or heavy precipitation (generally 25 degrees or below)
  • Carpool system is down or internet is down
  1. Notification will be sent through the emergency communications system (voice, text, email) and posted on social media and posted on the front page of our website.

  2. Parents will park and come inside to retrieve their children. Once inside, parents show their SDM app (if identifying info can be pulled up) or ID and follow the direction of your front office.

  3. Parents should access the parking lot by driving through the regular carpool traffic line in an orderly manner.

    • DO NOT attempt to go around the carpool line to reach the parking lot. Students are safe and warm inside the building, and someone will stay with them until a parent can pick them up.

    • DO NOT park against the curb in the fire lane in front of the school. This blocks emergency access to the building, blocks other parents from accessing our parking lots, and endangers all students and staff remaining in the building.

    • DO NOT ask the front office staff to bring your student outside.

    • DO NOT park in the parking lot and call to have your student sent outside. Parents must walk in to retrieve students in person.